Entries by GCA

GCA Facilities Recognized by NACWA for Continued Operational Excellence in 2020

Four Gulf Coast Authority (GCA) waste treatment facilities were recognized this year (2020) by the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) with Peak Performance Awards: Blackhawk Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facility – Gold; Forty Acre Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facility – Gold; Odessa Municipal and Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facility – Gold; and Washburn Tunnel Industrial Wastewater […]

Fazio Hale Takes Helm as GCA General Manager/CEO

Elizabeth Fazio Hale today assumed the role of General Manager/Chief Executive Officer of the Gulf Coast Authority (GCA), a water and wastewater management authority in Texas. For GCA, having recently celebrated its 50th Anniversary, Fazio Hale takes the top leadership role at a time when essential workers are more critical than ever. “With her broad […]

TWDB Appoints First Regional Flood Planning Group Members; GCA’s Scott Harris Selected To Serve Trinity Region

AUSTIN, OCTOBER 1, 2020 – The board of directors of the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) appointed its first members to serve on 15 regional flood planning groups (RFPGs), selecting Scott Harris, Chief Operating Officer of Gulf Coast Authority, to represent water authorities in the Trinity River region. Over 600 nominations were received by the […]

Gulf Coast Authority Names Fazio Hale General Manager/CEO, Traweek Retires After 27 Years

The board of directors of Gulf Coast Authority has appointed Elizabeth Fazio Hale to succeed Lori Traweek as general manager and chief executive officer, effective Nov. 16. Fazio Hale joined GCA last year as assistant general manager, bringing an extensive background in legal, legislative and financial matters related to water and wastewater management. Traweek will […]

GCA Announces Two Leadership Promotions at Bayport and Blackhawk Facilities

With a growing demand for industrial wastewater treatment, GCA’s Bayport Facility welcomes Brianna Morales as Assistant Facility Manager. Ms. Morales previously served as the Facility Manager of GCA’s Blackhawk municipal facility. Ms. Morales has eight years of experience in wastewater operations. Previously, she worked in GCA’s Central Laboratory. Ms. Morales is a graduate of the […]

GCA Announces Hire of Sandhu as Assistant Director – Technical Services

GCA is pleased to announce the hiring of Jonathan Sandhu to the GCA Technical Services team. Mr. Sandhu brings extensive experience in water and wastewater treatment, having worked on dozens of facilities across the world with treatment capacities ranging from 6,000 gallons per day to 800 million gallons per day. Prior to joining GCA, Mr. […]


At its mid-October Fall 2019 conference in San Antonio, the Texas Water Conservation Association’ Risk Management Fund (RMF) presented with an RMF Safety Award to (left to right) GCA Chairman Frank Jones, Assistant General Manager Liz Fazio Hale, General Manager Lori Traweek, and Chief Operating Officer Scott Harris. GCA was recognized specifically with an Outstanding […]

GCA’s Brianna Morales Elected Secretary of TACWA

Blackhawk Facility Manager Brianna Morales was elected Secretary of the Texas Association of Clean Water Agencies (TACWA) on January 31. She will serve in that capacity for two years before transitioning to the role of Vice President. Morales entered the wastewater industry as an operator with GCA 12 years ago and is currently the Facility […]

GCA celebrates 50 years of protecting Texas’ waters

HOUSTON — Fifty years ago, prompted by deteriorating water quality in the Houston Ship Channel and Galveston Bay, the Texas Legislature established the Gulf Coast Authority (GCA) to protect the waters of the State of Texas through regional wastewater treatment and waste disposal solutions. The organization was empowered to own and operate wastewater treatment and […]

GCA awarded for excellence in financial reporting

HOUSTON — Gulf Coast Authority (GCA) received notification from the Government Finance Officers Association that the GCA’s fiscal year 2017 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report qualified for a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. The certificate of achievement is the highest form of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents […]