GCA celebrates 50 years of protecting Texas’ waters

HOUSTON — Fifty years ago, prompted by deteriorating water quality in the Houston Ship Channel and Galveston Bay, the Texas Legislature established the Gulf Coast Authority
(GCA) to protect the waters of the State of Texas through regional wastewater treatment and waste disposal solutions. The organization was empowered to own and operate wastewater treatment and other waste management facilities. GCA is also authorized to issue bonds for qualified projects and has issued over $3 billion in such bonds statewide since its inception.

Today, GCA operates four industrial and one municipal wastewater treatment facilities, an industrial landfill, a central laboratory and two trucked-in waste disposal facilities. In 2013, Gov. Rick Perry signed legislation expanding GCA’s role to enable it to build, own and operate other types of water systems to help provide solutions to potable water shortages across the state.

For more information, visit www.gcatx.org or call (281) 488-4115.

GCA awarded for excellence in financial reporting

HOUSTON — Gulf Coast Authority (GCA) received notification from the Government Finance Officers Association that the GCA’s fiscal year 2017 Comprehensive Annual
Financial Report qualified for a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. The certificate of achievement is the highest form of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management. This is the 31st consecutive year GCA has received this award. Amanda Wilbert, GCA’s Director of Finance, is shown accepting this award.

GCA recognized with an Industrial Treatment Plant of the year award from WEAT

HOUSTON, May 2018 — Gulf Coast Authority’s (GCA) Washburn Tunnel Wastewater Treatment Facility (WT) was recognized by the Water Environment Association of Texas (WEAT) with the Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant of the Year Award. The award was presented at the annual WEAT meeting in San Antonio. Present to accept the award were Phyllis Frank, WT Facility Manager; Scott Harris, Chief Operating Officer; Frank Jones, Chairman of the GCA Board of Directors; and Mark Schultz, GCA Board Member.  GCA was recognized with the award for consistent outstanding performance of daily activities beyond the normal call of duty. The Washburn Tunnel Facility is a regional treatment facility that treats the waste from: multiple industrial plants and one municipality via pipelines, one industrial plant via barge and the Vince Bayou Receiving Station (VBRS) via pipeline which accepts primarily septic tank and portable toilet wastewaters.
Chemical disinfection is achieved using peracetic acid (PAA). At the time of commissioning in 2016, WT’s PAA disinfection system was the largest system operating in the US.